I thought I should include some basic information about business analysts in the event a curious wanderer stumbles upon this site, and has no clue what it is all about! I wanted to explain the following
What is a business analyst?
What does a business analyst do?
This concept map illustrates at a high level, the role of the business analyst and the part they play in the business landscape.
The video below gives a great, simple man’s explanation, of what business analysis is all about. Below that are some sample ranges, as well as links to Salary.com’s business analysis salary information. An important thing to remember is that, titles can vary across companies and you should remember that many of the titles revolve around the same role (business analyst). Example alternate titles: business systems analyst, functional analyst, requirements analyst, etc ! There are also pathways business analyst can take that become larger or become more specialized, like enterprise architect or business process analyst. Both are common pathways for business analyst, so I included them
Business Analyst Job Description
A Business Analyst (BA) is someone who analyzes the existing or ideal organization and design of systems, including businesses, departments, and organizations. BAs also assess business models and their integration with technology. –Wikipedia